On 23th January 2020 has conducted a presentation by the Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara. The presentation was regarding agriculture results in the 2019 year. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of Government of Adjara, Mayor of Batumi, Members of Parliament of Georgia and Autonomous Republic of Adjara, NGOs and local farmers. At the meeting were awarded the organisations that contributed to the development of agriculture. Caritas Czech Republic in Georgia was awarded as Best Partner of Agricultural Ministry for agricultural development in Khulo municipality.
The Project is implemented by the Caritas Czech Republic in Georgia (CCRG) in partnership PMC RC and Croatian Rural Development Network (HMRR) with the financial support of European Union, under the European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia – ENPARD II
The EU is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its ENPARD Programme. Implemented since 2013 with a total budget of EUR 179.5 million, the main goal of ENPARD is to reduce rural poverty in Georgia. The first phase of ENPARD in Georgia focused on developing the potential of agriculture. The second and third phases of ENPARD focus on creating economic opportunities for rural population that go beyond agricultural activities. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge